Patio Cover Demolition
January 16, 2009

We started tearing down parts of the patio cover when we had time in between other projects. It was ugly, wasn't built well, and partially blocked one of the family room windows. So our plan is to tear the whole thing down, and build something new that looks better and covers less area.

Brooke working on removing the wall that was sort of connecting our detached garage to the house.

After we finished tearing out the wall. Fortunately for us, they used a lot of screws instead of nails to build this thing. That made it pretty easy to take apart.

Another view after getting the wall torn down.

They didn't do too good with the wiring though... This is just an extension cord with the plug cut off this end and wired to the light.

Brooke working on removing the last of the roof framing from
the flat portion of the cover.

Starting to remove the sloped part that was blocking one of the family room windows.

Finished for now.

We'll leave the rest of it up for now so we have a place to keep things out of the rain.